Are heat pumps a realistic option in Whitley Bay?

The answer is an emphatic yes!

Green Party member Richard, installed an air source heat pump earlier this year into their late Victorian house and are currently enjoying plenty of hot water and warmth.

Richard said ‘Our installer, Energist Solutions, carried out a heat loss survey, assessing insulation, room size and double glazing before advising on the appropriate system. We are really happy with the results.’

Although heat pumps cost more than a traditional gas boiler to install, there are government grants available which bring the cost down significantly, and there are savings to be made in subsequent running costs.

Alan Steele, Lead Campaigner in Whitley Bay said ‘While heat pumps can be expensive to install there are government grants available and, as heat pumps use electricity much more efficiently, not only can they reduce the cost of heating your home they will dramatically reduce your heating carbon emissions.’

The Green Party supports the use of heat pumps as they help to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. 

Residents with low incomes can benefit from access to North Tyneside Council’s ‘Green Homes Grant’ scheme, which offers homeowners up to £10,000 to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. 

You can also access more information on heat pumps, their suitability, and finding an installer.

Richard has very kindly offered to speak to local people who might be interested in installing a heat pump. Contact Alan Steele on to arrange a chat with Richard.

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