
North Tyneside Mayoral elections

North Tyneside Green Party has selected Chloe-Louise Reilly as its Mayoral candidate for the North Tyneside Mayoral election. 

Chloe previously stood for the Green Party in the 2024 General Election for the Tynemouth constituency, achieving a record result. She also ran in the 2024 local elections in the Chirton and Percy Main ward, where she lives with her family. 

At the 2021 Mayoral election, the Green Party received 7% of the vote. Since then, the party’s vote share has increased locally, with 14% of the total votes cast in the 2024 local elections going to Green candidates. 

Chloe-Louise is currently developing her priorities for the election and is encouraging feedback from individuals, communities, organisations, and businesses. A central part of the campaign will be to give the people of North Tyneside a stronger voice in local decision-making, starting with a campaign for a referendum on the North Tyneside mayoral role. This comes after the 2016 referendum, where 57.5% of voters (32,546 votes) chose to retain the current mayoral system over a committee system (41.8%, 23,703 votes). North Tyneside Green Party believes that, in 2025, it is time for a fresh opportunity for the people to decide if the mayoral system still serves their best interests. If successful, the aim is to scrap the mayor’s position and replace it with a more democratic committee system, giving elected councillors more direct influence on decisions affecting the borough and their communities. 

You can let us know your views on priorities for the Mayoral campaign here

Our fundraiser for the Mayoral campaign is here


local elections 2024

North Tyneside Green Party is continuing its upwards trajectory following this year’s local elections on the 2nd May, with a significant increase in the vote share throughout North Tyneside and again finished a strong second for the hotly contested Whitley Bay North seat on North Tyneside Council.    

After the notable milestone of picking up votes from more than 1 in 10 of turned-out electors in North Tyneside in the 2023 elections, the Green Party doubled that figure this year with 1 in 5 electors across North Tyneside Borough as a whole supporting a Green Party candidate.  This underlines the fact that the people of North Tyneside really want to see more accountability on Green issues from their council.  

In fact, when we look at the overall vote shares for main parties in North Tyneside it becomes very clear that we are no longer a two party borough.  Labour had 58% of the vote, Conservative had 18.2% and the Greens had 14.1%.  Overall the party saw a 42% increase in vote share, coming in as runner up in 7 of the 20 wards as the Greens established themselves as a serious force in local politics here.

“We’re thrilled by the overwhelming support in this election,” remarked Ian Appleby, Elections Officer, North Tyneside Green Party. “It’s fantastic to see North Tyneside voters embracing our vision for a fairer and Greener community.  With their continued support we are so close to achieving our goal of Green Councillors in North Tyneside.”

Alan Steele, the Green Party candidate for Whitley Bay North, added: “I’m heartened to see how many more people voted Green in this election. It’s my hope that our elected representatives take note of this momentum and the meaningful message it sends.  People are looking for a fairer, greener North Tyneside.”

Alan Steele - lead campaigner for North Tyneside Green Party

Alan Steele, Lead campaigner

Candidate for Whitley Bay North, Local Elections 2024

You can see Alan’s candidate statement below – click on it for a bigger version.

Alan Steele's candidate statement for local elections 2024

Archive – 2022 Results

Archive – 2021 Results

general elections 2024

North Tyneside gets strongest Green General Election Results in history

The General Election 2024 results are in and North Tyneside are celebrating the strongest general election results ever!  Comparing this year’s results from the 4 new constituencies that are fully or partly made up of North Tyneside voters, we can see that our total vote share over those four constituencies are up significantly with a record 8.7% of the vote.  

In Tynemouth, the only constituency that is totally in North Tyneside, our candidate Chloe-Louise Reilly tripled our vote share from the 2019 election with 7.4% of the vote (up 5%).  We retained our deposit in all but one of the new constituencies and placed above the Liberal Democrats in 3 out of 4 of them.  In Newcastle East & Wallsend where Matt Williams came in third with a notable 12.4% of the vote (up 8.6%), we even beat the Tories!  In Newcastle North, Sarah Peters came 5th with 10.4% of the vote (up 6.3%) and in Cramlington and Killingworth, Ian Jones more than doubled our vote, coming in 4th with 4.7% of the vote (up 2.2%).

This builds on our recent even bigger share of the votes from the local elections where we polled at an average of 14.1% of the total votes over the whole borough.

Ian Appleby, Elections Officer for North Tyneside Green Party said “This kind of result is exactly what we’ve been hoping for – and shows that people are now seeing that a vote for the Greens is no longer a protest vote – it’s a real vote for change.  We are ready to move onward and upward and we’re calling on all our members and supporters to grab this moment and help us build on this success for a future we can all believe in and be proud of.”

For further details please see the 2024 General Election candidates details page here.

Please note: in this initial analysis all figures above were taken from bbc.co.uk ‘Election 2024’

From left to right: Chloe-Louise Reilly: Tynemouth, Ian Jones: Cramlington and Killingworth, Matt Williams: Newcastle upon Tyne East & Wallsend, Sarah Peters: Newcastle upon Tyne North.

north of tyne combined authority / police & crime commissioner

The nomination of the North of Tyne Combined Authority and the Police & Crime Commissioner is under the jurisdiction of the North East Green Party.

Please refer to the Regional Party for further information.

NE Green Party

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