Camperdown By-Election 2021

We are delighted to announce that Martin Collins will stand for election in the Camperdown Ward on Thursday 9 September 2021.

Martin is an experienced Green Campaigner – having first joined the Ecology Party (the predecessor to the Green Party) in 1978 – working with the North Tyneside Borough Green Party since 2004.

Martin says:

As a Green Councillor I would take special interest in the progress of the Council on Green issues – including the progress on the Council commitment to Carbon Zero – and also the effects of such issues on our local communities.

I would take a special interest in the following:-

  • The provision of facilities for young people to find a responsible path to involvement in their local communities.
  • The protection and promotion of Wetlands, Woodlands and Grassland throughout the Borough.
  • Promoting an ecologically sound transport system and enabling active travel.
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