General election 2024 north tyneside Green party

candidates details

Below you can also see all the candidates who stood for the Green Party in the General Election 2024 in constituencies that were wholly or party in North Tyneside and their results. More analysis will follow.

NOTE: All statements expand to show the full version on clicking the small arrow at the top left of the text. You can zoom and drag each map to check for a location. Maps from a Boundary Commission for England map.

tynemouth: chloe-louise reilly

Chloe-Louise stood in Tynemouth, the only constituency that is entirely in North Tyneside. Chloe came 4th with 7.4% of the vote – up 5% from 2019.

Chloe-Louise Reilly, candidate for Tynemouth
Tynemouth map



Chloe-Louise prepared this leaflet about her campaign.


As a 23-year-old autistic, queer mother managing chronic health conditions, I understand first-hand the challenges faced by many. My personal journey has fuelled my passion for social justice, and I believe I can deliver real change that benefits our people and our country.

I am excited to stand as the Green Party candidate for Tynemouth, bringing a unique perspective shaped by lived experiences. In roles like youth councillor, YoungMinds youth panellist, and school governor, I have honed skills in public speaking, policy analysis, and community engagement. I have effectively advocated for young people and driven positive change.

Committed to Our Community

My commitment to equitable policies aligns with our community’s values. Having faced economic hardship, homelessness, disability and so many other things alike myself, I genuinely understand the issues impacting many constituents. I’m not just advocating for change from an abstract position – I have lived these realities.

My platform focuses on renationalising public services, equitable education, fair wages, sustainable development, and robust community engagement. These are necessary steps towards an inclusive, healthy, and prosperous society for all. To demonstrate my dedication, I pledge to donate £250 of my monthly salary to community support initiatives.

A Diverse Voice in Politics

What makes me well-suited for politics is my diversity of perspective as a young, autistic, queer individual managing chronic conditions. I bring much-needed representation to the political arena. With a proven track record in advocacy and leadership roles, I have the skills to navigate complex issues and uplift diverse voices.

I pride myself on transparency, openness, and authenticity. You can count on me to maintain this candour, ensuring constituents remain informed and involved in decision-making processes.

My Priorities:

  • Social Justice and Equality: Inequality pervades housing, healthcare, education, safety, and well-being. Too many struggle to afford basic needs like food, energy bills, and are living in unsuitable accommodation – especially families and disabled individuals. Marginalised groups face heightened risks of hate and crime. I will work tirelessly to reduce inequality and improve living conditions for all.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Protecting our environment is crucial. I will enhance biodiversity, plant more trees for climate resilience, implement effective sewage solutions for cleaner waterways, and help our community reach 99% renewable energy usage. Sustainable practices combat climate change for a liveable future.
  • Community Health and Wellbeing: Good health and wellbeing are vital for a thriving community. I will prioritise mental health support, create a sense of safety and belonging, ensure accessible healthcare, and advocate for policies upholding dignity like fair wages and universal basic income, as well as expanding community activities, spaces and services that tackle social isolation, mental health challenges, and crime.

Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend: Matt williams

Matt is standing in Newcastle upon Tyne East & Wallsend, which now includes all or part of the North Tyneside wards of Wallsend Central, Howdon, Wallsend North and Battle Hill. Matt came 3rd with 12.4% of the vote – up 8.6% from 2019.

Matt Williams, candidate for Newcastle upon Tyne East and Wallsend
Newcastle upon Tyne East & Wallsend map




It has never been more important to have Green voices in our communities and across the country. We need common-sense, practical solutions to the biggest challenges of our time.

As a mental health worker in a Walker-based GP practice, I see the impact of 14 years of austerity every day. I see people with mental health difficulties sat on waiting lists, unable to get the support they need. I see the stress of low wages and rising rents driving people to despair, alongside NHS staff burnt out trying to meet the needs of patients. I also see community services doing their best to provide support despite never-ending funding cuts. It is clear to me the growing mental health crisis is inextricably linked to an economy that serves the very few at the expense of the many.

Despite these challenges, we have so much to be proud of in Newcastle East and Wallsend. We have a rich industrial heritage, a long history of solidarity and our famous warmth and good humour. I’m always struck by the resilience of the people I work with and I believe that given the opportunity, our communities can thrive.

The Green Party vows to empower communities and fix the climate crisis alongside the growing crisis of inequality. We will invest in renewable energy to improve energy security and reduce both energy bills and emissions. We will build thousands of affordable houses and insulate existing ones, to make sure that everyone can live in a safe, warm home. We will provide affordable public transport to help people stay connected, improve air quality, and leave more money in your pocket. We will bring vital services like water back into public hands to protect our shared environment. The Green Party will always place people before profit.

Vote Green for “Real Hope. Real Change”

Cramlington and Killingworth: ian jones

Ian is standing in Cramlington and Killingworth, which now includes all or part of the North Tyneside wards of: Battle Hill, Forest Hall, Shiremoor, Killingworth, Backworth and Holystone, Camperdown and Weetslade. Ian came 4th with 4.7% of the vote – up 2,2% from 2019.

Ian Jones, candidate for Cramlington and Killingworth
Cramlington and Killingworth map


Crowdfunder (Shared Northumberland):


I am a proud Geordie who has worked for over a decade as a Social Worker  in the region. I have volunteered with numerous charities, as well as working as a delivery driver, Door Supervisor and postman. I am proud of my working class background, as well as being the first person in my family to attend University. 

I have been an active Green Party member for the last 18 months and feel passionate about our goals of creating a more equal, sustainable country that addresses the climate crisis and the economic challenges we all face.

In my professional life I have supported a vast number of people with a considerable range of challenges, from homelessness to addiction, to accessing services that had previously excluded them. I have a lived experience of working endless hours for little reward and the challenges this can bring. 

Newcastle upon Tyne North: Sarah Peters

Sarah is standing in Newcastle upon Tyne North which now includes all or part of the North Tyneside wards of Longbenton and Benton, Forest Hall and Camperdown. Sue came 5th with 10.4% of the vote – up 6.3% from 2019.

Sarah Peters, candidate for Newcastle upon Tyne North
Newcastle upon Tyne North map




Green politics is about working with local communities to find positive and practical solutions to the challenges that face them, championing policies that promote a fairer and greener society.

As a doctor working in Newcastle Hospitals, I see every day the devastating impact that years of funding cuts have had on the lives of people in the North East and our public services. Like millions across the UK, I have benefitted from the incredible care of the NHS throughout my life; both personally and professionally I have seen it transform lives, and I strongly believe that it represents one of our greatest achievements as a country. I am proud to be standing to represent a party which has pledged to increase funding for the public services we all rely on through taxation on the wealthiest businesses and individuals.

The climate crisis represents an existential threat to humanity requiring action proportionate to the scale of the problem. Despite the monumental scale of this challenge, this also represents a unique opportunity; many of the solutions to the climate crisis are also solutions to the social and economic inequalities existing in the UK and across the world. Better insulating homes, expanding renewable energy infrastructure and improving our public transport networks represent just a few of the ways in which climate and social justice can be served simultaneously.

This is the time to vote for the positive politics that the Green Party in government will bring. Vote for real change. Vote Green on the 4th of July.

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