The ambitious £7bn Plan to update North East Transport infrastructure is due to be put forward for approval by local Councils next week (16 March 2021).
The Plan has some ambitious aims – and the Chair of Transport North East (Cllr Martin Gannon) believes that the Plan will help the local economy, help local people to make healthy, clean and sustainable transport choices, and will help correct years of imbalance in transport investment [see BBC Look North].
The Plan does have some good objectives – and has a fantastic vision : “Moving to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East”
However, for North Tyneside Borough, the ambition is lacking.
- There are no Schemes under the Plan’s heading of ‘Helping People to make the right travel choice’.
- The commitment to upgrade active travel infrastructure is limited to a vague promise to look at ‘improvements to cycling and walking routes’ as an immediate action – with the 5 year plan for active travel infrastructure focused on the A19 corridor and the A191; and a final vague promise to continue ‘local cycling and walking improvements’.
- The North Shields regeneration plan is the only Scheme under the Plan’s ‘Bus, Ferry and First/Last Mile’ section.
- The only Schemes for Local Rail and Metro in our area are:
(i) the new Metro station at Murton Gap, which had previously been promised for the new housing development; and
(ii) a long term Scheme to run a new Metro line through the Silverlink, necessary due to poor planning when building the Cobalt Business Park.
[Note: we are aware of additional discussions regarding new stations at Killingworth Moor, again as part of the new housing development] - The Plan includes several Schemes to promote travel by car; improving the A19, the A191, the A192; and improving vehicle access to the Tyne Enterprise Zone.
The Plan also has wider Schemes, such as improving the Electric Car Charging Network throughout the Region.
We are disappointed on the lack of ambition to help people to make active travel choices – moving out of cars and onto public transport. We recognise that, for some, car use is essential. However, we expect our Council to do more to encourage active travel.
The Sunrise Cycleway and the other Pedestrian Zones implemented in Summer 2020 were a show of fantastic innovation from Council Officers.
The problems faced were avoidable, through poor planning for directing cars away from residential streets, and the sudden decision to remove the Cycleway before the trial period reached its end.
We need our Council to be brave – and to lead the way in promoting active travel, giving safe space to pedestrians and cyclists.
We need our Council to demand more from our public transport providers.
The North East Transport Plan has many positives – but it also represents a missed opportunity to do more to implement Schemes that match the overall vision.
We need more Green voices to be represented to ensure we can move to a green, healthy, dynamic and thriving North East.