Green Viewpoint : Safe Streets

Following the abduction and murder of Sarah Everard, women have been sharing their stories of how they have felt threatened. The stories include the steps taken every day to stay safe – something many men would not consider.

Northumbria Police data shows that this is a very real problem in our Borough. We welcome the commitment from Northumbria Police; that they will never stop in efforts to protect women and girls in our region.

We know that more can be done; and urge that North Tyneside Council looks at additional measures can be taken to keep people safe on our streets. We suggest that appropriate measures may include; safe routes for travel; lighting in parks and around other public areas; and security measures such as CCTV.

We look forward to working with North Tyneside Council to make our Borough a safe space for all.


North Tyneside Police Data :

Green Party Policy: TR205 The Green Party recognises that one of the major barriers to people using public transport, particularly women and the elderly, is a concern for personal safety. For safety in and around bus stops, rail stations and other public transport termini, the Green Party would invest in general structural improvements. These could include better lighting, enclosed waiting points, provision of local emergency numbers and electronic information on services, and other security measures such as CCTV.

GPEW response to Police Action at Clapham Common Vigil | 14/03/2021
The Green Party has condemned the harmful and shocking Metropolitan police action on Clapham Common this weekend.
Responding to policing at the vigil, Green Party co-leader and candidate for Mayor of London Sian Berry said: “There was literally no chance of this being a violent event if it had been left in peace. And given what prompted it, these scenes are just abhorrent and traumatic to see for so many of us.”
Full Response:

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