Pocket Park is the name given to an area of open public space on Newstead Drive in Monkseaton. It was established as part of the community when the houses were built in 1990s and has been used regularly since by local residents for a variety of recreational purposes.
It is currently under threat from development through the construction of a large two storey medical centre with adjacent car park. The ‘Save Pocket Park’ group was formed by local residents around nine months ago to oppose the loss of this green space.
On Sunday 3rd September the inaugural Pocket Park Community Fete was held with a variety of stalls and musical entertainment.
Green Party activist, Richard Smithson attended and spoke to one of the team of organisers, who said “whilst we sympathise with the need for good medical facilities, according to the Briefing note published 14th July 2022 by North Tyneside Council (NTC) 20 possible sites were identified, reviewed and rejected in the vicinity of the existing practice.

The council were approached in March 2022 to sell part of the park to a developer, but it was rejected, we expect a resubmission any time now.”
The team of campaigners are compiling a petition objecting to the development, details can be obtained from Savepocketpark2023@gmail.com.
Richard said ‘ North Tyneside Green Party supports community groups such as ‘Save Pocket Park’ and allowing development in this green field site might be the best option for the practice, but not for the local residents, the environment and biodiversity’