North Tyneside Borough Green Party – General Election Launch Event

As you know the Green Party of England & Wales launched the national campaign last week. 

Siân Berry set out the need for a Green New Deal, meaning investment to build a better future and to prevent a Climate Crisis. 

The day after the launch, the Northern Convention released a Manifesto for the North. 

This demands investment in education, training, economy, transport, trade and renewable energy. 

The Convention may not have realised when writing the manifesto, but these demands are met by our Green New Deal. 

Here in North Tyneside Borough, we are committed to ensuring the Green New Deal is realised and the Northern Manifesto is delivered. 

We need investment in our schools, in our metro and bus services, we need to protect our NHS. 

We also need to commit to Green policies to prevent a Climate Crisis. 

Our Campaign

There are three main stages to the campaign. 

  1. We must urge people to register to vote. 

There are approximately 9 million people missing from the electoral roll. That is potentially 9 million people who would vote Green.

Please check that you are registered to vote.

2. Our Message 

The country needs investment. We need to make up for nine and a half years of austerity – to make up for chronic underfunding of public services. Investment is needed in the NHS, in Schools, in Housing, in Transport

We need investment to prevent the Climate Emergency developing into a Climate Crisis

The Green New Deal is the only Policy which is designed to provide the level of investment needed. The Green New Deal is fully costed – and the Green Party is transparent about how the goals will be achieved 

3. Turnout the Vote

The Higher the turnout, the more Green voices will be heard, and the better our chance of Green policies being implemented.

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