North Tyneside Borough Green Party Statement on the Climate Emergency

The North Tyneside Green Party has previously petitioned the Council to adopt a Climate Emergency. 

We understand that the Council now plans to report on the steps to declare an Emergency at the next full Council meeting on 25 July. 

It is the concern of the North Tyneside Green Party that the Council does not appreciate the urgent action required to combat this Emergency. 

The Climate Emergency has been declared by the majority of Councils in our region. North Tyneside Council have been slow to respond and we fear the plan to be presented at 25 July will declare an Emergency in words only. 

It is therefore planned that the Green Party will send representatives to the Council meeting on 25 July to deliver our Petition in person. The Petition demands that the Council, in declaring an Emergency, adopts the following actions:

1. Commit to making North Tyneside borough carbon neutral by 2030
2. Set specific targets to reduce carbon emissions in all council activities and spheres of influence including housing, transport, domestic waste
3. Provide an initial report on progress towards these targets within 6 months and thereafter annually
4. Include carbon reduction implications in all policy decision-making
5. End Council investment in fossil fuels within 3 years, and call for staff pension fund divestment in the same.

In the long term, these actions should establish a Green economic, business and social system aimed at a sustainable future for the people of North Tyneside. 

We would encourage the people of North Tyneside to join us at the Council meeting to support the immediate bold action required. 

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