Nature – Green Party Briefing

We have largely been confined to our homes during the pandemic. This has underlined how precious nature is and how important it is for our wellbeing. It has offered a mental space for reflection and connectivity, and a physical space for exercise and seeing friends (even if at a distance).

North Tyneside Council is failing to protect our natural world, something the Green Party would make a priority.

Caroline Lucas, MP: “What action the UK takes on climate and biodiversity this year matters more than ever”

In the North East, we have concerns on the recently approved Transport Plans – particularly with the continued emphasis on road building projects and airport expansion plans.

Nationally, the Greens would strengthen protections given to the Green Belt, Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Sites of Specific Interest – and locally we would review plans for development on Green Spaces such as Murton Gap and Killingworth Moor.

We would implement affordable, clean transport to reach Green Spaces through new cycling, walking and bus routes to encourage the enjoyment of the natural world on a wider scale.

Caroline Lucas, MP “What action the UK takes on climate and biodiversity this year matters more than ever because, as hosts of COP26, government policies will be in the global spotlight. That’s why we need to see far greater ambition and the funding to back it.

The UK is one of the most nature-depleted nations in the world, with 15% of our species on the brink of extinction and just under half of UK wildlife in long term decline.

Now more than ever, Councils must act to protect the natural world – a Green voice in the room can change everything.

Better is Possible : Vote Green on 6 May 2021.

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