Sunrise Cycleway – Seafront Sustainable Active Travel Route : Consultation Response

We broadly support the proposal for a ‘permanent, segregated two-way safe space along the seafront between Whitley Bay and Tynemouth’. We are pleased that the project will be ‘largely’ funded centrally by the Department of Transport’s Active Travel Fund with contributions from Sustrans. It is reassuring to have received confirmation from the council that, because of the funding sources, financing for pavement and walkway improvements will not be affected by this scheme.

We are supportive of the stated aims of the proposal i.e. to:

• Create a cleaner, greener borough as part of NTC’s declaration of a climate emergency
• Support NTC’s commitment to encourage people to take up active travel and adopt a healthier lifestyle
• Link into the planned new transport interchange at North Shields
• Allow easier access to popular tourist attraction such as St Mary’s Lighthouse
• Enhance the coastal section of National Cycle Route 1
• Address conflicts between pedestrians, cyclists and motorists

We hope that these aims are reviewed publicly and in a reasonable timescale (maybe a year after coming into operation). We request that the review includes traffic flow monitoring so that everyone can see the impact of the new arrangements on the number of motor vehicles on affected streets such as Eskdale Terr, Whitley Road and other adjacent streets such as The Broadway. This way local residents will be able to engage in a meaningful way in reviews and adjustments to the scheme.

We are pleased to see the proposed introduction of 20mph speed limits along the coast. The design appears to show that the area will be a 20mph ZONE. It would be useful to have clarity on this from the council as there is much evidence to suggest benefits from this approach. Research suggests that 20mph zones can be effective in:

• Encouraging a modal shift to active travel and a reduction in dependence on cars
• Providing a safer physical environment
• Reducing ‘aggressive’ driving so reducing levels of particulate matter and pollutant emissions

Our responses to the specific options around Cullercoats are:

Option 1: Clockwise Gyratory – of all the options this seems the most agreeable. Our concerns are around mitigating the effects of increased car traffic on residential roads such as Eskdale Terrace and John Street. We would expect the council to maintain regular contact with the residents of, and businesses in, the streets involved and to respond to concerns and issues raised. We suggest setting a formal review with these residents and businesses after a set period of time (perhaps a year) when issues such as air quality, road safety and disruption could be examined. We hope to see more detail of the council plans for this as alluded to in the proposal.

• Option 2: 3-way traffic signal control – we cannot support this option as it will increase the amount of idling traffic and increase pollution and emissions.

• Option 3: reducing the width of the West foot-way – we cannot support this option as it would significantly reduce the outdoor seating area utilised by local hospitality businesses and significantly reduce the pedestrian space in an area of high footfall. We note that this drawback is highlighted in the council’s proposal.

To fully support the proposal, we would seek reassurance that:

• Residents and businesses in the proposed new one-way area are included in meaningful conversations about the scheme’s impact, particularly around NO2 emissions, levels of Particulate Matter and physical safety.
• The proposal needs to promote active travel improvements for all and addresses the needs of people with mobility problems
• This proposal is part of a borough wide network of integrated active travel routes
• Co-design is carried out with the residents of Whitley Bay to develop a mobility plan for the ward which prioritises active travel and public transport and removes through traffic. We would prefer to see residents involved at an early stage rather than presented with a completed plan with consultation options.
• Full consideration is given to maintaining and improving existing pedestrian routes – this reservation would rule out giving support to Option 3 as this would mean reducing pedestrian space in Cullercoats.
• Local businesses are consulted to ensure that these proposals provide positive business opportunities – again this would rule out supporting Option 3 as this would mean cutting down on outdoor café space
• The proposal is connected to plans to improve air quality – this would rule out supporting Option 2
• The proposal is linked to plans to ensure our public transport is improved, affordable, accessible, sustainably fuelled and low or non-carbon emitting.

Despite our questions about, and the need for reassurance in some aspects of, the proposal, we believe that it presents a fabulous opportunity to invest in and improve our local environment.

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