Green Viewpoint : Coastal Congestion – the need for Safe Space

As the weekend brought warmer weather, it also brought crowds to our coast.

These crowds are a concern for coastal residents from Tynemouth to Whitley Bay:

(1) the crowding of people on the promenade, without space to social distance, risks a spike in the local Covid infection rate.

(2) the promenade, as part of the National Cycle Network, is shared by pedestrians and cyclists – meaning the two face a continual game of ‘dodge’.

(3) the road, which was previously the Sunrise Cycleway, is filled with queues of static cars emitting pollution.

All of this reinforces the need for safe space for people.

This weekend marked five months since the Council announced the removal of Covid secure, traffic free, safe spaces. The Council promised a consultation to reintroduce safe space – and made a commitment to encourage active travel (1).

In those 5 months, we have asked the Council for answers on the closure of those safe spaces – and we have waited for the promised consultation. Yet, despite the availability of Regional Funding, the Council has not delivered.

As the weather improves, and our coast becomes busier, the Council’s plan for managing the relaxation of Covid Restrictions fails to set out any provision for safe space (2). We would expect the plan to deliver:

(i) safe space for pedestrians.

(ii) dedicated space for cyclists.

(iii) traffic management to reduce congestion and to keep pollution awa from pedestrian and residential areas.

We need a Green voice in North Tyneside Council to ensure that promises are kept and to deliver on commitments.

Better Is Possible | Vote Green | 6 May 2021



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