Green Viewpoint : Local Elections 2021

It is official, North Tyneside have called elections for 6 May 2021. This is an opportunity to elect a new Mayor and new Councillors to represent the people of North Tyneside.

We are delighted that our lead campaigner, Alan Steele, has been selected by our members to stand for election in Whitley Bay.

Alan says: “As a local resident for over 30 years, I am honoured to have been selected as candidate for Whitley Bay.”

Now is the time for a Green Councillor to make a difference for Whitley Bay and North Tyneside.

In 2019, following campaigning by the Green Party, North Tyneside Council declared a Climate Emergency. The actions since this declaration have been slow and shown no urgency in the face of this challenge.

We have seen excessive numbers of new build developments, but very few truly affordable homes have been built. The sites chosen for development, such as Murton Gap, are greenfield sites – damaging our local environment.

The North East Transport Plan – agreed by Councils in March 2021 – provides little for North Tyneside, despite a collossal £7bn spending plan.

Alan says: “Electing yet more Labour Councillors won’t change anything, we need a fresh, independent voice.”

In Whitley Bay, it is a straight choice between continuing with the current Labour regime; or electing Alan.

For more information, please see :

Better is Possible | Vote Green | Vote Alan Steele for Whitley Bay

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