North Tyneside Climate Emergency Workshop II Report

The second in our series of Workshops looking at the North Tyneside Climate Emergency was held on 24 March. This Workshop specifically looked at the North Tyneside Council Action Plan. It was hoped that a Council Officer would attend, to present the Action Plan, and take questions, but sadly no Officer was able to attend.

We were able to share the North Tyneside ‘State of the Area’ presentation. This presentation was based on The Carbon Trust Report and the Council’s Action Plan.

Key points:

  • Most of the carbon produced in North Tyneside Borough is from transport (about 36%).
  • The second largest carbon producer is household use of gas (about 29%).
  • The remainder of carbon production comes from domestic electricity and business use of gas & electricity.
  • If the Council decarbonised completely – all its activities, buildings, and transport – it would only account for 2% of North Tyneside Borough’s carbon footprint.
  • The Borough’s carbon footprint has reduced over the past 10 years because of the de-carbonisation of the national grid (switch from coal to gas and renewables).
  • NO2 and particulates are significant causes of air pollution, illness and death – approximately 300 early deaths per annum across North Tyneside, Newcastle and Northumberland. 
  • The reduction of air pollution depends mainly on reducing petrol and diesel powered road transport – people choosing public transport, walking and cycling and/or switching to electric vehicles.
  • Air pollution has more impact on people living in poor housing and on low incomes.

Following the presentation, the Workshop was open for discussion.

The discussion focused on the Council Action Points, including: Housing retrofit; Solar PV; Community Energy; Heat Pumps; Fleet decarbonisation; EV charging infrastructure; Hydrogen public transport; Active Travel; Recycling; Housing standards; SME carbon reduction; Community led action; Community Forest.

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